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Weekly Transits for December 26th- January 1st 2023, referencing PST timezone

Monday December 26th

Aquarian Moon conjunct Saturn @ 21 degrees

Tuesday December 27th

Pisces Moon square Gemini Mars @ 9 degrees

Wednesday December 28th

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 22 degrees

Thursday December 29th

Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 0 degrees

Capricorn Mercury conjunct Venus @ 24 degrees

Mercury Stations retrograde @ 24 degrees Capricorn

Aries Moon square Capricorn Sun @ 8 degrees

Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 11 degrees

Friday December 30th

Aries Moon square Capricorn Mercury @ 24 degrees

Saturday December 31st

Aries Moon square Capricorn Venus @ 26 degrees

Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 27 degrees

Capricorn Sun trine Taurus North Node @ 10 degrees

Capricorn Venus conjunct Pluto @ 27 degrees

Sunday January 1st

Taurus North Node conjunct Moon @ 10 degrees

Capricorn Sun square Aries Chiron @ 11 degrees

Taurus Uranus conjunct Moon @ 15 degrees

Long form weeklies

Monday December 26th

Aquarian Moon conjunct Saturn @ 21 degrees

While there are quite a few planets in earthy and hardworking Capricorn, the cold alien moon binds us to our earthly responsibilities and lives. There is a sober and austere feeling to this conjunction, but it’s also a fair one, as Aquarius knows how to Saturn pretty well. Aquarius Moon asks us to explore where and how we fit in, or don’t, and what we need to do to be a part of the collective. Perhaps there is a lingering feeling from the pressures and familial gatherings from yesterday? This energy is rational and sober.

Tuesday December 27th

Pisces Moon square Gemini Mars @ 9 degrees

Our heads and hearts may be in the clouds today but Gemini Mars has information that makes us react. Perhaps there is an ending, or dissolution, perhaps Gemini Mars needs to cut through with information. This is the energy of change, propelling us forward in some way, challenging the way we process information. Gemini Mars’s information is abstract and Pisces Moon has a psychic and nuanced emotional body. Something IS going on here, but it might be tough to put into words. Change is in the air but the death rattle must first sound.

Wednesday December 28th

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 22 degrees

Confusion abounds! This idea of change and the psychic and emotional body gets a boost of confusion, metaphor, and symbols that make no sense. In a purely expanded state, there is absolutely nothing to hold on to. You are fumbling around in the dark, but also there is no floor, there is no ceiling. Uncomfortable for some, ideal for others. Today is like one of those floatation tanks. You are suspended in the middle of the action and being held by the divine. How much kicking and screaming are you doing? Can you relax for a moment and turn off your brain? Your brain is desperate to get the floor and ceiling back. Can you soothe it and sit in the question for today?

Thursday December 29th

Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 0 degrees

Capricorn Mercury conjunct Venus @ 24 degrees

Mercury stations retrograde @ 24 degrees Capricorn

Aries Moon square Capricorn Sun @ 8 degrees

Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 11 degrees

We may feel pep and inspiration when Aries Moon conjuncts Jupiter. This is “getting out of the gate” energy, the push and initiation you need to get things done. After yesterday’s dreamworld, this is more forward pushing and movement oriented energy!

Not so fast! Capricorn is usually ready to haul-ass (as my father would say) but Mercury conjuncts Venus and then stations retrograde. There is a record scratch here and the issue, whatever you are going to resolve in the few weeks, will start to reveal itself. Are you communicating well or working well with the structures in place? Are you able to navigate, verbally, the institutions and systems around you? How’s your cash flow, reputation, ability to navigate hierarchies? Does any of this relate to your father-figure? You will be asked to slow down are review the way you connect, speak, and understand these things, and today may be especially uncomfortable as you are stopped in your fast-moving trainers.

Aries Moon is still wanting to forge ahead blindly but Capricorn Sun will shine a light on the limitations of the body, or overall situation. Capricorn Sun is a realist and planner, it has miles to go before it sleeps and wants to make it home in one piece. Aries Moon would rather “just do it.” Either way momentum will be lost with Mercury retrograding.

When Aries Moon conjuncts Chiron, a wound is revealed and felt deeply, this may be sharp and difficult to surrender into. Aries Moon won’t be on Chiron for long, so try to ride it out in the best way possible and trust that this feeling will go away. Aries Moon will forge ahead, it is the part of you that moves on and goes forth with bravery. Tap into that part of the story.

Friday December 30th

Aries Moon square Capricorn Mercury @ 24 degrees

Oh dear, this is like a game of “Go go go go STOP” Aries Moon wants to move but Capricorn Mercury, now retrograde is giving something to process and work through first. Your body would be served by exercise to get this energy out, Capricorn Mercury is going to help us learn the lesson of the long game, strategy, and defining what success is for ourselves. There is something you thought was wrapped up in a bow and on its way out, guess what, you have some more work to do. This square might be a tad uncomfortable and frustrating.

Saturday December 31st

Aries Moon square Capricorn Venus @ 26 degrees

Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 27 degrees

Capricorn Sun trine Taurus North Node @ 10 degrees

Capricorn Venus conjunct Pluto @ 27 degrees

The last day of 2022 and moving into the first day of next year is a crazy ride. Aries Moon squares Venus and Pluto; both in Capricorn. Let’s unpack that. Our impetus and initiatory emotions are running into traditional ways of connecting, our own personal histories, and also the history of humanity. There is a story starring you, and the way you connect in the world, but there is also a story starring humanity of which we are also a part of. Humanity’s been having a hard time lately, and you might be the hero you’ve been looking for?

Let’s see? Sun trines North Node- there is a glimmer of your future self and karma here, Something that says “yes, you!” even though it’s hard to imagine that you are as strong and powerful as you are. You are growing up, learning, and you are an adult. The way that you connect to overall abundance, hard work, and doing what’s needed is getting an overhaul and the Capricorn Sun says that you’re doing awesome.

As we say sayonara to 2022, we are hit with a transit that runs very deep, that moves through us and initiates us into the new year. This is about how we connect, how we can transform through connection, and how deeply and karmic these connections can be. Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, so there could be a father-figure or patriarchal connection running through this. There could be family secrets that are buried brought to light, or it could be as simple as watching a beloved relationship change. Sometimes there are moments when everything changes, and they are subtle and unobvious. And sometimes there are chains of events that end up where they end up. At any rate, this transit will be happening into tomorrow and this lesson is important. Emotions could run high. Pain could be profound. Karmic lessons are hard to avoid, even in altered states. They never look like how you think they will.

Sunday January 1st

Taurus North Node conjunct Moon @ 10 degrees

Capricorn Sun square Aries Chiron @ 11 degrees

Taurus Uranus conjunct Moon @ 15 degrees

Moon in Taurus conjuncts the North Node. Hopefully we are making realizations that bring us into this new year, and we’re doing it luxuriously and comfortably in nice fabrics with good food. Hopefully you’re not scared of abundance or hard work.

Sun square Chiron says our ego will have some wounding or triggering. Ugh. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Try to be forgiving. This Venus/ Pluto conjunction is still going on, and something needs to be brought to light. The wounding is likely there to serve it.

Moon conjuncts Uranus in Taurus suggesting that there could be a surprise or two in store today. A flash of insight is imminent. Your body knows something, really knows it. Trust that. All of this is to bring you to a new state of consciousness for 2023. Today is how you start your year.

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