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Weekly Transits for February 6th -12th 2023 referencing PST Time Zone

Long form Weeklies on the top, Cheat sheet below:

Monday February 6th

Yod with Leo Moon at apex 24°, inconjunct Capricorn Mercury 23° and Pisces Neptune @ 23°

Leo Moon opposes Aquarian Saturn @ 26°

Capricorn Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow @ 24°

Our emotional selves, our bodies are the apex of this “finger of god” energy with Mercury and Neptune. Love, compassion, confusion, and spirituality work with the way we think and communicate. Our ability to process rationally and practically is what helps our highest and most spiritual aims. Whatever dual energy this produces, it’s expressed through the emotional body, perhaps it’s a dream, a realization, or a dominant emotion that comes up: big. There is something to pay attention to here, with whatever arises. Remember this is a freshly full, waning moon. What kind of attention are you getting, craving, or giving?

Our feline Moon makes an opposition to cooler than a cucumber Saturn. This is a fixed opposition, so there is some harmony in immovability. Whatever emotional realization or bodily response that you contend with on that full moon, is sided with a societal and collective consequence. Aquarius Saturn says that we are still in a society and collective and there are moving parts to that. Saturn says that there will be a counter balance to whatever we throw out. This can sometimes be a glorious thing. While Leo Moon is a fiery and emotion-led impulse, it’s best if we can incorporate some forethought to our actions. This opposition is that tension of this; or that.

Finally after all that astrology in the last few months, Mercury is leaving its post retrograde shadow. The trickster has taught its lessons to us for now-- and we are slowly working through the aftermath. Which house worked you over? How did you do? Usually after a retrograde, there has been a denouement, but also a challenge to work through before getting the skip in your step back.

Tuesday February 7th

Virgo Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 8°

Virgo Moon square Gemini Mars @ 11°

Virgo Moon opposes Pisces Venus @ 14°

This earthy Moon is in service. Who and what are you devoted to these days? Who are you called to help? Where is that impulse coming from? Is there an edge to it, like you might really screw everything up if you’re not careful? Are you taking this on out of a sense of duty, or a sense of “I can’t mess this up?” Are you carefully trying to manage all the pieces, have them exactly in place, like a house of cards that could fall down at any time?

Virgo Moon is always coming from a powerful “why” that causes it to act. Sometimes it’s trying to control everything before it all falls down. At its absolute best, Virgo Moon is being careful, deliberate, intentional, and devotional. If you can lock into that vibe, you’re golden for the next few days.

Virgo Moon does a nice trine with the Taurean North Node, suggesting that there’s some important and pleasant earthly boost here. In whatever direction that you are headed, there’s a practical and concrete benefit coming to you this time. Remember benefits aren’t always judged as such. The North Node feels a bit more unnatural and awkward, and Virgo Moon doesn’t really like to play in that sandbox. It likes to know what it’s doing. But perhaps there is a nice fusion between what you are learning and what your body knows. Perhaps you are feeling a powerful “why” and a powerful sense of duty, and that is what propels you into uncharted territory.

That same slow, deliberate, and categorical impulse will square its Mercurial counterpart, Gemini Mars. There is likely an interesting mix of information and action going on in this mutable square. Virgo understands Gemini and yet works very differently. Gemini is abstract, an “ideas” energy, Virgo is the scientist, out to prove and execute those ideas. Gemini Mars is bouncing through the possibilities and using action to make sense of what’s going on, hands are waving, conversation is bountiful. But there is a solid, slow, and precise energy slowing down these particle waves. Virgo Moon is in the body, it holds the “reason” for the actions being taken or reactions being felt, and it’s also contending with a sense of cosmic responsibility. Can you balance a sense of flighty erratic energy that wants to discover everything with a focused and earthy rooted sense of devotion?

Virgo Moon then opposes Pisces Venus. This mutable pair are a powerhouse of change. Pisces Venus’s power is its distinct vulnerability. It can be penetrated, obliterated, or absorbed. Pisces Venus is for all of us, every last drop of us, even the ugliest, most heinous parts of us. Pisces Venus loves us, and it’s strength is that its unending and borderless.

Virgo Moon searches for borders and categories, its response to pressure is to put everything in its place, and understand the sum of all the parts. There is something deeply emotional and deeply healing about the emotional body and the connecting planet doing this work together. There is an experience of deep emotional trust that may be tested here. Can you let go of control? How deeply can you love? Can you hold on to the parts of yourself that make you feel like you and not be absorbed into someone else. Can you keep your boundaries that help you navigate the world safely? This opposition might bring up some triggering stuff. If you have a history of abuse or gaslighting in your life, please be on alert. You may be tested with this. Do you have a confidante or someone you ultimately can trust with debriefing? Be rooted in what’s real- what you can taste, touch, smell or hear. If you feel a sense of danger, pay attention to that impulse.

Wednesday February 8th

Virgo Moon opposite Pisces Neptune @ 23°

Pisces Venus sextile Taurus Uranus @ 15°

Gemini Mars sextile Aries Chiron @ 12°

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Mercury @ 26°

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 28°

We continue yesterday’s vibes with Virgo Moon opposite Pisces Neptune. That’s more of a collective version of yesterday’s Venus, but either more is being asked of you, or you are asking more of yourself? How far have you been pushed to accept what is? What ideas of yourself have you lost?

I don’t usually point out sextiles but this one from Pisces Venus with Taurus Uranus seemed worthy of note. There may be an element of surprise or an unexpected moment related to our relationship with abundance, money, love, receiving. Can we dilate to what’s here, even if it sparks change or is unexpected?

Furthermore there’s a sextile between Gemini Mars and Aries Chiron. A wound spurring a need to act, that’s helpful. Is there new information from which to carry on? Remember, this involves action and wounding, but Chiron is the wounded healer. For some unexpected or emergent reason, the healer in you may come into focus here in a beautiful way, through words, understanding, and relatability.

We round out the day with Virgo Moon making helpful trines with Mercury and Pluto, both in Capricorn. There is something transforming here. Today has been interesting with its beneficial earth energy. The movement here is definitely concrete, intentional, and strategic, while still being careful, considerate and devotional. There is a sort of confidence to this behaviour, and yet it could result in a transformative moment. Capricorn Mercury will wheel and deal, Capricorn Pluto will topple the hierarchy and obliterate any stability we thought we had. We might have money concerns, or feel a profound challenge to our sense of safety, but Pluto will clean something out that needs to go. This might be abrupt, but it is beneficial. Just because it’s good for us doesn’t mean it’s a pleasant experience. But sometimes taking out the trash is its own reward. Whether or not you can enjoy these trines, try to see them as a hearty bowl of lentils. Not fancy, not even that tasty, but they’ll sustain you and keep you going.

Thursday February 9th

Libra Moon opposes Aries Jupiter @ 7°

This Moon is concerned with symmetry, evenness, fairness, and equality. In the body and soul we may have a relationship that is coming toe-to-toe with our need for individuality and expression. Aries must express its existence– and with Jupiter housed here, there is a sacred and divine breath of inspiration and individuality. Aries is the self, there is a need here for individuation and personal expression, but the Libra Moon is considering others in the mix, and can’t really break free from the bonds of relationship.

Where are you going with yourself, and how do you feel locked in relationship patterns? Is there anyone in your life who would oppose your dream, ideas, or the things you feel you are born to do? Are you looking at someone to mirror your fears about breaking free, or becoming who you truly are? Have you chosen someone to hold you back from where you are going?

Equally, is there a magical way you can hold both: you, your expansion, your individuation; and your footing in relationships? Perhaps the symmetry here is you taking responsibility for your story?

Friday February 10th

Libra Moon opposes Aries Chiron and trine Gemini Mars @ 12°

Capricorn Mercury conjunct Pluto @ 28°

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Sun @ 22°

So as we move this process of individuation versus who we are in relationship we come to a Cardinal opposition, now, with our wounding. Our wounds don’t always tell us the correct story about what’s happening, and yet, they are real living proof of what DID happen. What have you healed in relation to your relationships? What patterns have come up again and again and now you know how to navigate this terrain? You’ll be able to cognitively really understand this and communicate it with whom ever needs to hear it. Your actions are boosted by this powerful work of transmuting your pain, caring about the others involved, and the fairness required to do this work. Your body may be firing off emergencies but your mouth will be ready to say the right thing. You have grown out of cycle of blame, congratulations.

Poetically we have the transformative power of Pluto and Mercury conjoining in Capricorn. What is coming to completion, finishing up, or ending for you right now in terms of attainment, goals, and your public life? We’ve had a lot of action in this part of our charts in the last few months, what is it telling you? This is a foundational point of change in terms of what we are working towards, Mercury is going to make it really count. This is based in real concrete terms and it’s about initiation and opening your channel to what’s changing.

Finally we have a beneficial pulse in the air as both parts of our personalities, who we are through our bodies and souls, come to an airy agreement. Libra Moon is ruled by Venus, Aquarius Sun is ruled by Uranus and Saturn, there is something very sustaining--mentally-- and ultimately in the way we carry knowledge that is working. Did we learn something, did we evolve? Whatever it was, this is good-- it’s real-- and it’s considering others in all cases. Aquarius Sun can only exist within the collective, Libra Moon is emotionally hardwired for equality and fairness. What is your cause, and what of you is it asking? You’ll be able to give it your all at this time.

Saturday February 11th

Mercury enters Aquarius

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 27°

Libra Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 28°-29°

Gemini Mars sextile Aries Chiron @ 13°

Scorpio Moon square Aquarius Mercury @ 0°

The trickster, fast moving, and non-binary moves of Mercury enter the sign of revolution, fixed air, ideas for humanity and technology. What we know and say will have a different flavor than Mercury’s long time loitering in Capricorn. Mercury in Aquarius will be more mindful of everyone, will completely affect our behaviour on the internet. It will involve the group, collective, organization, and the revolution that we’re currently contending with. This is where things get said. Alliances will be drawn. Fundamentally choices are made for the betterment of everyone. The way we speak may be from a higher level, less specific, and more inclusive. We will be in touch with our ethics and morals, and the funny thing about that, is not everyone has the same ethics and morals, there is an undercurrent of themes that run through this terrain, and some of them oppose. Kindness and compassion are good things to arm ourselves with, when we are feeling guided by what’s of higher mind.

Our felt bodily experience of fairness and equity is Libra Moon, and that is making a beneficial trine to Aquarian Saturn. We are working well with the collective and society with this sense of symmetry. This is a beautiful trine to work with, and it ensures everyone gets heard and everyone is considered.

When this Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn as it hits its anaretic degree, there is great meaning to this transformative moment. We are finishing something up; a lot of Capricornian dust is kicked up, we may have a difficulty with the opposition we feel in this square. Something is transforming but it is a struggle to shed skin, or antlers. We have to squirm and wiggle to be set free from old forms that our bodies have housed.

We may find beneficial help in how we can act as healers. Gemini Mars has input, ideas, and curiosity to expel, it wants to help and move the energy forward, while Aries Chiron wants to transmute this wound.

When Moon enters Scorpio we are guaranteed a fine sensitivity and rawness will emerge– today is really no joke. Aquarius Mercury is squaring this emotional terrain, putting us in friction between these two fixed signs. Mercury is processing this information from the hive mind and collective and Moon is hitting us deep in the tissues, where we house our most private hurts. If we are hurt, threatened, or damaged emotionally, we may find a heavy burden in trying to keep the needs of everyone in mind. We are responsible for our own healing, and that might be difficult when trying to be answerable and considerate of the plight of humanity. Not everyone has the same emotions to contend with.

Sunday February 12th

Scorpio Moon opposes Taurus North Node @ 7°

Yod Scorpio Moon apex 12°-15°, inconjunct Gemini Mars @ 13° and Aries Chiron @ 13°

Scorpio Moon opposite Taurus Uranus @ 15°

How can we put the formless into form? Our bodies and souls will be working together to answer this question as we contend with the Moon/ North Node opposition. Moon is conjunct the South Node in this case, so we have a transformation from our innate karmic gifts, and where they are housed within us, and the North Node is asking us to make us put the future into form.

This Scorpio Moon becomes the mechanism for us to move Gemini Mars and Aries Chiron’s energy. Gemini Mars will have duality and curiosity for it to propel itself, and Aries Chiron will have an identity wound to heal. Together they propel Scorpio Moon to feel move this energy through its body. It will feel strong and hard, it will dig into the depths of the body to find hidden traumas and memories. Tapping into Scorpio Moon’s energy can make us feel as if we’ve never escaped the bog of unending grief. Because, we actually never do escape it. We live with it daily, it’s a part of us, that we do not access all the time. But Scorpio Moon will make us feel that, and that could be destabilizing.

You won’t live in the bog of unending grief for long, my friends. It’s there for us to release things held in our body, and things that need to exit our psyches. This healing yod’s work is to help us release and move. Don’t be tempted to wallow, just hold on and let go. You’ll feel better soon, this is a quick aspect.

Scorpio Moon then opposes Taurus Uranus. You can guarantee there will be some kind of circumstance or element of unexpected change, but you’ve done A LOT of groundwork for that today. Perhaps there will be an incident, a thought, a realization, or an event that will really have you wondering.

This theme of form and formless; what are you transmuting, and what are you changing? We’re being prepared for a year of change. These micro-moon moments are preparing our body for its teleportation into the future. The bigger changes afoot will move us to something we don’t even have a vision for right now, so these micro-releases will prep you for the bigger unfolding story.

Cheat Sheet:

Monday February 6th

Yod with Leo Moon at apex 24°, inconjunct Capricorn Mercury 23° and Pisces Neptune @ 23°

Leo Moon opposes Aquarian Saturn @ 26°

Capricorn Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow @ 24°

Tuesday February 7th

Virgo Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 8°

Virgo Moon square Gemini Mars @ 11°

Virgo Moon opposes Pisces Venus @ 14°

Wednesday February 8th

Virgo Moon opposite Pisces Neptune @ 23°

Pisces Venus sextile Taurus Uranus @ 15°

Gemini Mars sextile Aries Chiron @ 12°

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Mercury @ 26°

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 28°

Thursday February 9th

Libra Moon opposes Aries Jupiter @ 7°

Friday February 10th

Libra Moon opposes Aries Chiron and trine Gemini Mars @ 12°

Capricorn Mercury conjunct Pluto @ 28°

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Sun @ 22°

Saturday February 11th

Mercury enters Aquarius

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 27°

Libra Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 28°-29°

Gemini Mars sextile Aries Chiron @ 13°

Scorpio Moon square Aquarius Mercury @ 0°

Sunday February 12th

Scorpio Moon opposes Taurus North Node @ 7°

Yod Scorpio Moon apex 12°-15°, inconjunct Gemini Mars @ 13° and Aries Chiron @ 13°

Scorpio Moon opposite Taurus Uranus @ 15°

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