Cheat Sheet
Sunday August 15th
Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 16 degrees
Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 8 degrees
Tuesday August 17th
Taurus Moon square Leo Venus @ 7 degrees
Sun apex of yod 24 degree Leo, with Neptune @ 24 degrees in Pisces and Pluto at 26 degrees in Capricorn
Wednesday August 18th
Yod continues
Taurus Moon conjunct NN, 17 degrees, Uranus @ 18 degrees/ Square Saturn @ 21 degrees Aquarius
Leo Venus Trine Aries Jupiter @ 8 degrees
Taurus Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 21 degrees/ trines Mercury in Virgo @ 21 degrees at the same time
Taurus Moon square Leo Sun @ 26 degrees and Trining Pluto in Capricorn @ 26 degrees
Thursday August 19th
Yod continues
Moon Conjunct Mars in Taurus at 29 degrees (slight square to Leo sun at 26 degrees)
Saturday August 20th
Mars enters Gemini
Yod continues with Sun now at 27 degrees
Virgo Mercury opposite Pisces Neptune @ 24 degrees
Sunday August 21st
Gemini Moon Square Virgo Mercury @ 25 degrees
Yod with Capricorn Pluto at Apex with Sun @ 28 degrees Leo, Moon moving through Gemini 23- 28 degrees
Reflection from last week (Skip to long form below for this weeks transits)
Lion’s Gate Portal week saw my best friend (who’s Leo sun has only one aspect which is a trine to Neptune) visiting me for the week. It’s been so much fun! Before he got here–on the 8th– I had an argument with my housemate which felt pretty on-edge. This was the Mars/ Saturn square which I dubbed “Frustration Station.” I have Saturn in Leo, and the sun was directly conjunct on this day. This argument centred around boundaries, which is something I have been working on in the last few years, and I’m not especially skilled at it. My housemate is a Leo Ascendant who has had Pluto directly on her Sun and Mercury recently (she gets one more round when it goes direct) so while we are very close we’re still learning how to communicate well with each other. The argument wasn’t a huge deal and we came to a good conclusion.
On the 9th Jupiter squared Capricorn Moon, and we had the Venus/ Pluto opposition. With my best friend visiting, we had a very deep, loving, and transformative conversation where I believe we came to a new understanding about each other and our respective journeys during 2020. Both of us went through “dark nights of the soul” and we did so while socially isolating together. This conversation was a breakthrough between us. Pluto is quite strong in my chart and Venus rules his first house. I felt very seen, and it was healing.
August 11th was a big birthday bash at my house for my best friend. With the astrology of the day, I felt mad curiosity for how it would turn out. It was an amazing night of friendship, food, a fire pit, good conversation and a beautiful ripe full Aquarius moon. Saturn had me working my tail off to stay on top of the hosting, the dishes etc.
Between August 12-15th, my friends and I went to a vacation house to relax., hence the lateness of this post.The energy amongst us was pleasant, fun, chatty. Fixed summer energy makes sense for vacationing and relaxing. Venus in Leo served us well, our communications felt easeful and loving.
Long form Weeklies
Sunday August 15th
Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 8 degrees
Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 16 degrees
Ouch! Moon could deliver us some big feels, big reactions, and big wound-opening today. Our faces might get hot, we might sweat in strange places.
Jupiter is retrograde in Aries, reviewing those inspirations, expansions and ideas that had us feeling “more.” When Moon brushes up against Jupiter, we may feel instinctive reactions coming in to keep us in line. Can we trust them? Are they born of our true selves or of deep patterning? Add Moon's kiss to Chiron later on and now our wound is opened, there’s a quick reminder. Can we trust ourselves? Can we trust this body, in this moment? I won’t give away the answer, this is a ride we all get on, like the teacups at DisneyLand. Some enjoy being whipped around in circles, others just want to get off. In the end, you still have your body, your cycles, and your lineage traveling with you.
Tuesday August 17th
Taurus Moon square Leo Venus @ 7 degrees
Sun apex of yod 24 degree Leo, with Neptune @ 24 degrees in Pisces and Pluto at 26 degrees in Capricorn
Moon expresses so well in luxurious and sensual Taurus, now she’s got dramatic tension with bold Leo Venus. This square has the allure and drama of the tango, there is a slow burn, embers of the fire burning hot, a desire to feel the feelings and a desire for dramatic pauses. Perhaps this expresses in a sexy way, perhaps in an artistic one? Fixed energy is good for making you sit down to the writers desk, or painting easel, and there’s enough emotions and feelings here to let the muses have their way with you. Perhaps this can express in a personal journey, alone, being present with our body, our sensations, and our preferences– redecorating a room or finding a way to admire and adorn ourselves like the gorgeous lions we are.
Leo sun is apexing the “the finger of God(dess)” for the next few days as Pisces Neptune and Capricorn Pluto work together to create conditions for us to know ourselves. We are being transformed by these outer planets who want us to find our gloriousness. Neptune will work subliminally within our dreams and intuition, while Pluto will create endings, reveals, and loving mayhem all designed to help us know who we are. Pay attention to the self you are beginning to know through the next few days. Did you surprise yourself in the way you dealt with something? In the way you dealt with someone?
Wednesday August 18th
Yod continues
Taurus Moon conjunct NN, 17 degrees, Uranus @ 18 degrees/ Square Saturn @ 21 degrees Aquarius
Leo Venus Trine Aries Jupiter @ 8 degrees
Taurus Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 21 degrees/ trines Mercury in Virgo @ 21 degrees at the same time
Taurus Moon square Leo Sun @ 26 degrees and Trining Pluto in Capricorn @ 26 degrees
Taurus moon is out and about today. She visits North Node and Uranus, further amplifying this appointment with who we are becoming. Our karma. Our awkward attraction. But she’s squaring Aquarius Saturn meaning our boundaries, our realities, and timing might challenge this trajectory. Perhaps we feel like we know what to do but reality is REALLY making it look impossible, unsupported, or it’s unseeable? There’s the square to Leo sun, which means our egos may also be challenged, or we are missing any positive feedback or indication that we are doing well. Why is everything so hard? What would you have me do? Capricorn Pluto and Mercury in Virgo are playing supportive roles to Moon’s movement today, so perhaps good conversation, communication and realizations lend themselves to ideas, or ways out of log jam. Perhaps there is just a piece of information that we were missing, which we now have, that shows us exactly what was jamming the logs?
Thursday August 19th
Yod continues
Moon Conjunct Mars in Taurus at 29 degrees (slight square to Leo sun at 26 degrees)
I suspect that by Thursday there is a sense of self blossoming in some part of your chart, that feels empowered. It might not have been easy to build this “you,” but all these fixed squares, yods, and conjunctions have been prepping you for some upcoming change. Mutable energy is coming, and coming fast. But today: Moon conjuncts Mars @ the last degree of Taurus where our actions and bodies are aroused to do/ carry/ or act upon something. There are varying opinions about the final degrees of a sign, some say it’s a negative place, but I see it more with an inevitability factor. Movement is coming for all of us, and today is the precipice of the cliff we’re about to jump off of. Notice what is happening with you, your impetus, and your body’s needs today. Notice who you are today.
Saturday August 20th
Mars enters Gemini
Yod continues with Sun now at 27 degrees
Virgo Mercury opposite Pisces Neptune @ 24 degrees
And, we’re off! With Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Gemini, finally we are moving and grooving. How does it feel? Our communications and thought process might be confused with Virgo’s opposition to Pisces, but our energy will move in Gemini and our minds will be poppin’. Anxious folk might find this other influx of energy difficult to deal with– thought process might be in overdrive, ideas might be flowing, and the mind might be moving fast. If this is a lot for you, let's find a good way to prioritize managing it? What is your medicine for centring? How can you give yourself grounding tools?People who are prone to more depressive/ inertia states will get a boost, hopefully Mercury in Virgo can help us focus all this energy.
There will be big curiosity and social interactions will be plentiful.
Sunday August 21st
Gemini Moon Square Virgo Mercury @ 25 degrees
Yod with Capricorn Pluto at Apex with Sun @ 28 degrees Leo, Moon moving through Gemini 23- 28 degrees
Thoughts and ideas are plentiful and could get conflated with our automatic responses. There could be some very loud brain activity today. Remember, Brain can be an absolute jerk when you are in the realm of the unfamiliar. If you are about to expand: take a new job, explore a new side of yourself, discover a new hobby, start a family, make a change; Brain feels threatened. This is where Brain can be mean, abusive even, and it will be your job–the more expanded part of you– to tend to the scared Brain. Thank it, soothe it, and let it know that it needs to calm down– alone in its bedroom.
Brain is not You. It’s a very important part of you, but it is not You. This tension I’ve described could happen today, or on the lighter side, it could be more like a flood of downloads. It could overwhelm and you need to focus. Artistically, you might be channeling some big stuff.
With this yod business, I’m thinking that whatever you download today, it’s part of the collective field. You, personally, will be part of a larger transformative story. This transformative and quick moment may affect Pluto ruled and dominant people more, it’s a body/ego/ soul moment. We never know exactly what it means, but a practice of presence will help us pay attention.